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Attracts Birds Plants

We carry 41 plants that match your search request. We've included all matches below. Click on any plant to learn additional details.

Showing all 41 results.

Plant SKU Size Avail Price
Acer rubrum Autumn Radiance® Red Maple 204121151 1.75"BB Out of Stock / Please Call Log In for Pricing
Aesculus glabra J.N. Select 205071553 1.5" #25 Out of Stock / Please Call Log In for Pricing
Aesculus pavia Red Buckeye 205153953 #15 Root Pouch In Stock Log In for Pricing
Alnus incana subsp. rugosa Speckled Alder 207263953 #15 Root Pouch In Stock Log In for Pricing
Amelanchier canadensis Shadblow Serviceberry 210200471 4'BB In Stock Log In for Pricing
Amelanchier grandiflora Autumn Brilliance Serviceberry 00000124 4' BB multistem Out of Stock / Please Call Log In for Pricing
Amelanchier grandiflora Princess Diana Serviceberry 210351151 1.75"BB In Stock Log In for Pricing
Amelanchier laevis Allegheny Serviceberry 210300471 4'BB In Stock Log In for Pricing
Amelanchier laevis Spring Flurry® Serviceberry 'JFS-Arb' 210401151 1.75"BB Out of Stock / Please Call Log In for Pricing
Celtis laevigata Sugarberry 217233953 #15 Root Pouch Low Stock Log In for Pricing
Celtis occidentalis Chicagoland Hackberry 217181181 2"BB In Stock Log In for Pricing
Celtis occidentalis Common Hackberry 217201122 1.5"BR Out of Stock / Please Call Log In for Pricing
Cercis canadensis 'Appalachian Red' 222521121 1.5"BB Out of Stock / Please Call Log In for Pricing
Cercis canadensis 'Forest Pansy' 222511151 1.75"BB Out of Stock / Please Call Log In for Pricing
Cladrastis lutea Yellowwood 223101181 2"BB Out of Stock / Please Call Log In for Pricing
Cornus mas Cornelian Cherry Dogwood 415500381 3'BB In Stock Log In for Pricing
Crataegus crusgalli 'Cruzam' Cockspur Hawthorn (Thornless) 228181151 1.75"BB Out of Stock / Please Call Log In for Pricing
Diospyros virginiana 230203953 #15 Root Pouch Out of Stock / Please Call Log In for Pricing
Juniperus x 'J.N. Select Blue' Star Power™ Juniper 628710651 7' BB In Stock Log In for Pricing
Liquidambar styraciflua Moraine 240911121 1.5"BB Out of Stock / Please Call Log In for Pricing
Malus 'JFS KW213MX' Raspberry Spear® Crabapple 248111453 2" #20 In Stock Log In for Pricing
Malus 'JFS KW214MX' Ivory Spear® Crabapple 247821441 1.75" #20 Out of Stock / Please Call Log In for Pricing
Malus 'JFS-KW207' Sparkling Sprite® Crabapple 248343953 #15 Root Pouch Low Stock Log In for Pricing
Malus 'Sutyzam' Sugar Tyme™ Crabapple 248681121 1.5"BB In Stock Log In for Pricing
Malus Adirondack Crabapple 247031121 1.5"BB Low Stock Log In for Pricing
Malus Donald Wyman Crabapple 247431121 1.5"BB Out of Stock / Please Call Log In for Pricing
Malus Perfect Purple Crabapple 248041121 1.5"BB In Stock Log In for Pricing
Malus Prairifire Crabapple 248061121 1.5"BB In Stock Log In for Pricing
Malus Red Barron Crabapple 248131121 1.5" Out of Stock / Please Call Log In for Pricing
Malus Red Jade Crabapple 248151121 1.5"BB Out of Stock / Please Call Log In for Pricing
Malus sargentii 'Tina' Sargent Crabapple 248361121 1.5"BB Out of Stock / Please Call Log In for Pricing
Malus Spring Snow Crabapple 248651121 1.5"BB In Stock Log In for Pricing
Nyssa sylvatica 'David Odom' Afterburner® 251321121 1.5"BB Out of Stock / Please Call Log In for Pricing
Nyssa sylvatica 'JFS-Red' Firestarter® 251331181 2"BB Out of Stock / Please Call Log In for Pricing
Prunus cerasifera Newport Flowering Plum 262501092 1.25"BR Out of Stock / Please Call Log In for Pricing
Prunus virginiana Sucker Punch 262601151 1.75"BB In Stock Log In for Pricing
Prunus virginiana 'Canada Red' Chokecherry 262201121 1.5"BB Out of Stock / Please Call Log In for Pricing
Ptelea trifoliata 263103953 #15 Root Pouch In Stock Log In for Pricing
Quercus michauxii Swamp Chestnut Oak 269763953 #15 Root Pouch In Stock Log In for Pricing
Ulmus Morton Stalwart 287113553 1.5" #25 Root Pouch Out of Stock / Please Call Log In for Pricing
Viburnum prunifolium (Blackhaw Viburnum) 485700371 3'BB In Stock Log In for Pricing